Every so often I get a request for a description of a particular part that has not yet been in a post.
Casters in lowered position, or moving position. |
This week a weaver wrote asking about the casters for a B Model loom. She is in the process of redecorating and needs to move her loom around; mind you this loom is a 48" 16H B4 loom, not an easy thing to just slide around your house! So after a few emails back and forth with my verbal description, I decided that a photo of the casters would speak many words of description.
Eddi shows how to flip the casters up and out of the way. |
I headed over to the Macomber shop where Eddie is trying to get ready for Convergence. He kindly found a pair of the casters and we faked a set up to illustrate how they sit on the bottom foot of the castle.
Casters in the upper position, or stable position. |
The casters are bolted to the bottom foot of the castle of your B Model Macomber. When you want to move the loom, you flip the casters down and slide the loom around.
I hope that this little photo series helps illustrate how there simple casters can help you move a behemoth loom with ease. A pair costs $99, cheaper than hiring "Joe the mover" to come over and assist you!
Artist studio at Searsport Shores |
It is summer here in Maine, a time we wait and pine for all year. Short, sweet, fast and fun. I am just back home from a one week Artist in Residence at the
Searsport Shores Campground. This amazing campground, right on the ocean's edge,
has a studio for a resident artist, a different one for each week of the summer. And in the fall they host the
Fiber College.
While I was there I worked with all ages of visitors doing a wide variety of projects. You can learn more by
visiting my website blog.
Weavers of all ages playing with yarns and patterns. |
Thanks for asking about the casters Trudy! Hope this explains how they work. Happy summer and happy weaving to each of you!