Thursday, July 2, 2009

The price list

Here it is...the Macomber Loom price list. Of course you can't read it unless you click on it to get it a readable size.

As you can see this copy has been well loved; spilled coffee, marked up. Rather lived in, I'd say. And also please note that the prices have not changed since 2004. So buy now!

Any questions?? From (still rainy) Maine~ Sarah


  1. I am amazed by the stability of their prices. That says a great deal about the company and it's people. While I love my Type B and Baby Mack, and they both weave beautifully, I do wish that the Baby were 30" at the breast beam. I think it would make for a more comfortable weaving height....unless I'm doing something wrong.

  2. Beth:

    Ergonomics is a VERY important element in weaving. (This is coming from someone who had a back injury from the repetitive motion of weaving.) So, the height of your chair in relation to your height and the loom is important. The goal is to have your back straight and your thighs as parallel to the floor as possible. You might try a different chair or bench. Hope this helps.

  3. Sarah,

    As pertains to a May post regarding treadle troubles...just want to report that I took your advice and voila! Perfectly behaving treadles. I cleaned the slots out, then waxed them with folded up multi-layer wax paper. Next, I waxed the super hook shafts with the same. No more treadles sticking in the up position! My old girl is a joy to use once again. Thank you for your help. I am really enjoying the information in this blog.

  4. Barbara:
    Hooray for your efforts! I hope that others who are struggling with similar issues are reading this!!

  5. What is included in the "apron restring kit," please?

  6. kathyT: The apron resting kit includes strong apron string and nails. Sarah

  7. Hi Barbara;
    I recently acquired a very old Macomber, and I wondered what the little piece of dowel, hanging by a string on the lower left of the loom is for.
    Thank you!

  8. Hi Louise:

    Thanks for checking in with the blog! The wooden peg on a string is used to push the lamm down so that you can hook the super hook onto it and then connect it to the treadle. On larger Macomber floor looms this device is made out of metal and hinges from the back of the cross piece.

    Enjoy your new/used loom!

    Happy weaving, Sarah

  9. I recently bought an old portable Macomber and would like to add more heddles. The tag on the side says it is model CPG. I'm not sure what size to purchase. I has flat steel heedles on now and I like those. I have those on my big Macomber too and really like them. Any help?? Thanks.

  10. Beverly:
    Congratulations on your new/used loom! The flat steel heddles are no longer available anywhere. Only the wire inserted eye ones can be purchased. You can order these through me.

  11. I'm interested in buying a 24" baby mac with 8 harnesses, double back beam and a 10 dent reed. Is the price on the website still correct?

  12. Yes, for now the prices are as listed. The company threatens to make an increase every now and then, but the 2004 price list is current.

  13. I have a chance to buy a B5 Mac 40" advertised as 8 harness Ad a Harness for a real good price, but the pics show only 4 shafts and 6 pedals. Does that mean 4 more shafts can be added if you wanted? I don't want to buy something that may not work for what I want..The goal is to have at least 8 shafts.

  14. Hi Anonymous...yes you can add harnesses to the loom. The castle frame is the only limitation. The smallest castle frame is 10 harnesses, so you are good for 8 harnesses. Call me and we can order those harnesses.

  15. I have an Ad A harness Macomber loom with four harnesses. The model number is B 5, 4147. Can I add six additional harnesses to this loom? I need replacement clamps to attach the top bar holding the heddles to the harness - my husband thinks they are "C" clamps. Is it possible to order these and what is the cost. Also is it possible to find out what I paid for the loom in the late 60's ? Jean Hood

  16. Dear Sarah,

    It's great to find your website. I have been weaving on Macombers since the 70s and earned my BFA on one.

    I've owned two. The one I have now is a 48" with double beam, tensioner box, electric winder, many harnesses added and lots of treadles.

    Unfortunately, I am no longer able to weave due to health reasons. My Macomber is sitting idly upstairs in my home. I tried to view your price pictures above to see the pricing but unfortunately my computer won't show me the larger images.

    I've got everything, plus, when it comes to this loom, including most of the accessories used in weaving, i.e. swift, large warping board, bench. You name it. I need to sell the loom to pay medical bills. I would so much appreciate it if you could give me an idea (since I can't see the images) of how much these are going for these days. It's in lovely condition and was purchased in the early 1980s.

    Macomber looms changed my life. It will be tough to sell it but it is something I must do. Any help on what the pricing in the images is would be very kind of you. Thanks. Bridget

  17. Hi Bridget:

    Currently a 48" loom with 8 harnesses is about $3800. If I were selling this I would sell it as a complete weaving studio. Start at perhaps $4500 for the whole deal. You might have to come down. Try listing on EBay or Craig's list or your local weavers Guild. Big looms are hard to sell, as many times people don't realize what they have and so they go for way too cheap! Good luck ~ Sarah

  18. Hi Sarah,
    I work at a non-profit fiber arts center and we have a Macomber loom that's missing the wire hook treadle tie ups. Are those available? Are there multiple lengths? I'm interested in ordering some as soon as possible.
    Thank you,

  19. Rachel ~ Yes the tie-up hooks are available. call me at 207-351-1985 and I can order those for you. sarah


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