Greetings from
Vacationland! This is the nick name for the glorious state of Maine. I must say that at long last we are indeed living in the land of vacationers. My little village of York swells with folks from all over the world who enjoy our beautiful coastline and beaches.
I have heard from many of you that you are getting great info from the blog and t

hat you appreciate the support for "all things Macomber". Thanks to all for staying in touch.
I also really appreciate all the orders for parts and looms. Let me know how

I can continue to help you.
I will be away from my phone and email from August 15 - 22. So hang on to those questions and orders until I get back, or rush them in before 9 AM 9/15.
These pictures are from my last few weeks of living large in the great state of Maine. I will be grounded back in the studio on August 24th. Look for more tips and photos about weaving after that!
Peace, Sarah