Thursday, April 14, 2016

It's time.

Happy birthday age 2
     How did I get here?
    As a young person I did not give a thought to growing up or growing old. However, last week I signed up for Social Security and Medicare.
    I would say I got here with luck, good fortune, good genes and perseverance, discipline and commitment. Oh yes.......and the support of many beautiful people.

Winding a shuttle 1972
     I've been a sales rep for Macomber Looms for over 30 years (exclamation point here) and have woven on a Macomber Loom for over 45 years. I created this blog in 2009 as a way to help bring more visibility to the company as well as increase my sales. For the past year plus Macomber has had the capable Meredith on board.
     So it is time for me to bring this chapter to a close. I am NOT going to stop weaving and stitching - in fact I want more time to focus on my own work. I want to put more effort into my community art projects like "Well Used, Well Loved". Given that the numbers of hours per day is still only 24, I am letting go of certain aspects of my work load. One of those is this blog and my sales/service for Macomber Looms.
     If you are an old customer of mine - please feel free to call or email me - you've got my contact info. However you will notice I have removed that info from the blog. I will no longer be actively selling for them and no longer be assisting with loom problems. Please call the shop directly for this support - 207-363-2808.
At my loom 2015
It's been a wonderful run. Thank you ALL for your support, your orders and your purchase of the manual. YES- the manual will still be available on the blog as a purchase via PayPal. But I will not be doing any more updates.

You can still keep up with my work via my FB page - Sarah D. Haskell or my website

Happy weaving ~ and stay beautiful.
Love, Sarah


  1. Thanks for your huge contribution to the weaving community Sarah. It is much appreciated by hundreds of folks who may or may not have told you what a much needed service you have provided. As a recent retiree, I approve of your decision. It all goes by too quickly and one needs to make those choices. All the best to you. Morgan

  2. THANK YOU Sarah for all the work, inspiration and help you have done/given for all these years. I, especially, appreciate all you have done with the community art and for the Macomber community! Enjoy your "new" direction, weave on!

  3. Thank you for very informative blog. I just bought a used Macomber loom (40" 10 harness). It needs a bit of cleaning. I dont wnat to take it all apart but would like to take out the pedals and clean them. How does one do that?

    Thanks so much. Ania O'Brien


New Moon and Old Looms

  March 27, 2025 On the verge of a new moon, changes are afoot. Over fifteen years ago I began this blog as a way to help other weavers unde...